August 29, 2022

Annual Salmon Ceremony and Gathering

In August the Yukon First Nation Salmon Stewardship Alliance cohosted the Annual Salmon Ceremony and Gathering.

Tatchun Creek weir. Photo: Peter Mather

In August the Yukon First Nation Salmon Stewardship Alliance cohosted the Annual Salmon Ceremony and Gathering in partnership with the Little Salmon Carmacks First Nations, the Salmon Knowledge Hub, and the Canadian Mountain Network. The gathering took place on the land at Tatchun Creek, close to where it meets the Yukon River, with the goal of re-energizing salmon culture and calling the salmon back.

Joseph O’Brien (foreground), CYFN Grand Chief Peter Johnston, Counselor Calvin Charlie. Photo: Peter Mather
Participants at ASCG. Photo: Peter Mather
Scale art. Photo: Peter Mather
Selkirk Spirit Dancers. Photo: Peter Mather
Joseph O’Brien calling the salmon back. Photo: Peter Mather
